July 2005

Vanishing Toys

Here’s an interesting (if ultimately inconclusive) article from Scientific American on how babies learn object permanence. One recent study indicates it’s a gradual learning, not an “aha.” The results can be interpreted differently, however, depending on how one defines the varying degress of familiarity babies have with objects. Interesting (and relatively short) reading, though, for […]

National Sex Offender Public Registry

The National Sex Offender Public Registry went online today. The site contains names, pictures, and addresses of offenders in 22 states, and will include the remaining public registries within six months. One of those “I wish we didn’t have to have this” items, but useful under the circumstances.

Oh Canada!

Canada joined the Netherlands, Belgium, and Spain today in recognizing gay marriage nationwide. Expect some interesting legal cases as Canadians marry same-sex U. S. citizens, U. S. gay couples want to marry in Canada, and Canadian gay couples want to immigrate to the U. S. Someone should calculate what all of this will cost the

Techno Knitting

I admit it; I love things that take traditional domestic activities and update them with a techno twist. I laughed at the giant excavator knitting project a few weeks ago, but was even more intrigued by KnitWit, “intelligent” knitting needles that detect needle movement and automatically count stitches and rows. This isn’t just technology for



When my son was an infant, I enjoyed making baby food purees for him. Here are a few tips from my experience.

Moment of Silence

A moment of silence today in honor of the London bombing victims.

Better Hold Off on Those Tickets to Barcelona

The Supreme Court of Justice of Catalonia has stated that a Spanish man cannot marry his Indian partner because the Spanish civil code says foreign residents seeking to wed Spanish citizens are bound by the laws of their country of citizenship. The Court did not formally rule on this, however, but merely stated it in

UCC Endorses Gay Marriage

The United Church of Christ voted today to endorse same-sex marriage.Here’s the official announcement. Worth reading the italicized section at the bottom that summarizes the key points of the resolution, including that the UCC should urge legislators to support equal marriage rights. Individual UCC churches may decide whether to observe the endorsement.

More from the Butch/Femme Ambiguity Files

Artist Dave Cole has opened a new performance art piece at Mass MOCA, consisting of two construction excavators bearing 20-foot-long knitting needles. He will use them to knit an American flag over the course of the next several days.

Happy July 4th!

For those of us in the United States, this weekend marks the celebration of our nation’s independence from Britain. It’s often seen as an observance of the things that make our nation great: freedom, democracy, and really good barbecue sauce. Let’s not forget, however, that democracy only works the way it should when citizens get

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