One of the contributors to Blogging for LGBT Families Day just wrote a great article for the Syracuse Post-Standard, on finding God’s love and community as a lesbian family.
I’m not particularly religious myself, but it makes me sick when the ultra-conservatives try to frame LGBT rights as a matter of the religious vs. the godless. It does a disservice to those who believe in their religions’ values of love and acceptance, and, as others have argued, infringes upon the religious freedom of those with different views.
Here are a couple of additional excerpts from Blogging for LGBT Families Day entries, with a religious perspective on LGBT rights:
- “I want to draw attention to the fact that there are those of us who bear the name of Christ who support full equality — who marry same-sex couples, who rejoice at baptizing their children, and who speak out against the campaign of hate currently being waged against these families today. I want to salute the LGBT parents who are doing such a splendid job of raising loving children.” —Thoughts at Large from a Bishop at Large
- “The . . . more important reason I’m such a loudmouth about welcoming LBGT people into all areas of church and civil life is that Jesus asks us to. . . . If you reject the idea that LBGT people deserve civil rights and family protection, go back and read your Bible. . . . Reread the Gospels. It’s right there, laid out in every story, every parable, every big and small thing Jesus said.” —Moxie
- Finally, while his Blogging for LGBT Families Day entry doesn’t talk specifically about religion, Jim’s Straight, Not Narrow blog is all about “Advocating for GLBT equality in the church and politics.”
Please visit the links above to read the full posts of the original authors.
Thanks for posting the links to the article and my blog. If anyone wants to e-mail me directly I can be reached at we********@ao*.com.