Job Searches for Lesbian Moms and Other Niche Groups

CubiclesThe headline on Tech Crunch caught my eye this morning: “Simply Hired, Now for Senior Gay Mothers Who Love Dogs & the Environment.” The post was about job search engine Simply Hired, which offers specialty searches of gay-friendly companies, mom-friendly companies, eco-friendly companies, and even dog-friendly companies. Now they also offer a search for senior-friendly companies. The results are based on various external corporate rankings, such as HRC’s Best Places to Work list.

Despite the headline suggesting cross-referencing, the company has yet to institute a way for people to search across the various categories, though it’s apparently working on that. If you want to find companies that are friendly to both lesbians and moms, you’ll have to compare results by hand.

Even once you can search across categories, though, it may pat to do additional research. I’ve written before about the limitations of the various “Best Places to Work” lists, and how a company that rates well on one list can fail in other areas. Still, a search engine like Simply Hired is a good place to start your investigations.

I should note, too, that much of Simply Hired’s funding comes from Fox Interactive Media, which is owned by News Corp, parent of the right-slanted Fox News. (Having said that, there are rumors that News Corp’s chair, Rupert Murdoch, is swinging left in his political views, and taking Fox News with him. Personally, I think Fox has made enough of a name for itself as the conservative news network that it’s not about to change.) Whether their connection to Simply Hired is close enough to affect your use of the service is, of course, up to you.

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