Chocolate May Reduce Risk of Miscarriage

ChocolateYes, according to a new study from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, “Daily consumption of chocolate reduced the chances of miscarriage by a modest 20%.” The research was in fact more serious than that makes it sound, and shed light on the still-mysterious causes of lost pregnancies. The scientists found that women who are unmarried or not living with a partner have a significantly higher risk of miscarriage, as do women undergoing a divorce or separation during pregnancy. They believe this is linked to additional stress caused by these situations.

Other factors tied to miscarriage risk include being underweight, a diet without fruits and vegetables, being older, having previous fertility problems, or having had an abortion. Morning sickness, however, may be a good sign. Nausea and sickness were linked to a 70% reduced risk of miscarriage.

Don’t conclude, however, that the lesson here is to eat chocolate until one gets sick.

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