Civil Unionized vs. Married: Blue Jersey Shows the Difference

Progressive site Blue Jersey today launched Think Equal, a campaign “to educate the public on the legal and real world differences between civil unions and marriage.” Their first of several short ads is a winner, with two women—one married and one “civil unionized,” discussing the rights and benefits of each status.

The ad is based upon the true story of a hospital refusing visitation rights and medical decision-making to a same-sex domestic partner, despite the legality of those rights under New Jersey law. Garden State Equality has an interview with the women involved. It makes the same point as the Blue Jersey piece, but in a more documentary style. I have to wonder which video will convince more people. Will they view Blue Jersey’s ad and say, “Oh, but that would never really happen?” or will they be won over by its lighthearted approach and parody of the “PC vs. Mac” ads? E-mail both links to all your relatives and friends in Jersey, I say. (And heck, the point applies to other states, too.)

(Thanks to Pam’s House Blend for the sighting.)

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