January 2007

Kids’ Toys from the Hardware Store: Watering Can and Squeegee

From Ru at Hedda Dabbler comes the idea of a watering can for kids. She notes, “It is so versatile – a purse, a planter, a container of any sort really – and best of all, it is intended to do that most exciting of all things – pour water!” Ah, yes, the perpetual fascination […]

WNBA Rule Changes for 2007

Fresh from their mention in this week’s L Word, the WNBA has announced four new rule changes for 2007. I won’t bore the non-sporties among you by listing them all, but I will note that the new backcourt rule, requiring offensive teams to bring the ball across the midcourt line in eight rather than 10

Fertility and Pregnancy News

Two recent news items on fertility and pregnancy, for those of us creating our families that way: A new technique for screening eggs could boost IVF pregnancy rates. Using a method normally used in cancer research, researchers mapped the number of chromosomes in an unfertilised egg to predict which eggs will produce embryos least likely

Interview with Cathy Sakimura of the National Center for Lesbian Rights

A little over a week ago, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) launched its Family Protection Project (FPP), to improve access to family law services for low-income LGBT families and to offer training on LGBT issues to the attorneys who provide those services. Attorney Cathy Sakimura, Equal Justice Works Fellow at NCLR and manager

The L Word Season Four, Episode Four: The Parenting Perspective

Viewers of this week’s episode are likely still chuckling over the first scene with Alice (which I won’t spoil for you if you haven’t seen it), or the part where Alice is trying to teach Helena to play basketball. The best line of the episode for me, however? Kristanna Loken’s character Paige, telling Shane “Sometimes

Reminder: Freedom to Marry Blog Carnival

As January winds to an end, I want to remind readers that I will be hosting a “Freedom to Marry Blog Carnival” on February 14, in conjunction with Freedom to Marry Week. Any blogger who writes in support of marriage equality between now and then is invited to submit a post by leaving a comment

Adventurous Young Eaters

The New York Times today has a fun article (registration required) on parents who are trying to share a sense of culinary adventure with their kids, leading to a growing number of resources for them. More and more restaurants, including higher-end gourmet and ethnic ones, have children’s menus. Culinary centers are offering kids’ classes. Home

Gay Dads on Oprah: Forums Ignite

I mentioned on Friday that gay dads Mark and Andy Sutherland-Travino, along with their children and great niece, are going to appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show tomorrow, January 29, in an episode titled “Fascinating Families” (previously titled “Extraordinary Families”). The message boards on Oprah’s Web site are ablaze with the usual prejudiced comments, along

Ohio Court Rules in Favor of Lesbian Custody Agreement

An Ohio court ruled yesterday that a custody arrangement between two lesbian parents is valid despite the state’s constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. The couple had signed a court-approved joint custody agreement, and then split. One of the women refused to let the other have contact with their son, and claimed their agreement was invalid

Reminder: Gay Dads on Oprah

A reminder that gay dads Mark and Andy Sutherland-Travino, along with their children and great niece, are going to appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show this coming Monday, January 29, in an episode titled “Extraordinary Families.” Check local listings for the exact time of airing. The Sutherland-Travinos are members of the Family Pride Coalition’s OUTspoken

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