April 2007

Supreme Court Declines to Rule in Lesbian-Custody Case

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected without comment an appeal by Lisa Miller-Jenkins, a biological mother who has been trying to deny visitation rights to her former partner Janet Miller-Jenkins. (Thanks, PageOneQ.) The case has bounced between the jurisdictions of Vermont and Virginia. Lisa Miller-Jenkins was attempting to appeal a Vermont Supreme Court ruling that the […]

Ellen, Ten Years On

Today marks the tenth anniversary of “The Puppy Episode,” aka “The coming Out Episode” on Ellen, the comedian’s eponymous first television sitcom. GLAAD has a lengthy press release discussing the significance of the show. It was a turning point in depictions of LGBT people on television, and an empowering moment in many of our personal

A Walk Through the Education Sections

A bevy of interesting articles in the past few days: The Christian Science Monitor examines proposed changes to the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). As lawmakers debate its reauthorization, they are considering whether the evaluation of schools should emphasize progress, rather than merely achieving certain goals. Across the pond, educators in the U.K.

Book Recommendation: “Carrot Soup”

I enjoy finding seasonal books for my son, and was pleased to stumble upon John Segal’s Carrot Soup. In it, Rabbit spends many hours planning and cultivating his carrot garden, only to find that the carrots have vanished right before the harvest. He asks his friends Mole, Dog, Cat, and others if they have seen

Weekly Political Roundup

Lots of good news this week: The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee passed the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which includes protections crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and sent it to the floor of the House. An Indiana high school teacher who risked her job supporting a student-newspaper editorial

Family Leave Bill Only Good for Legal Families

Two recent pieces of legislation in Washington State show once again the interconnectedness between family rights and LGBT rights, a topic I have covered before. Governor Christine Gregoire last weekend signed domestic-partner legislation that will allow same-sex couples to receive a variety of rights over inheritance, hospital visitation, and medical decisions. The Washington State Senate

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

Today is Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, “designed to expand opportunities for girls and boys, expose them to what adults in their lives do during the work day, show them the value of their education, and give them an opportunity to share how they envision their future.” I find it telling, however,

How to Welcome an LGBT Family

My son and I went to his first Music Together class in our new area today. We’d done Music Together for over two years before we moved, and I knew it was a program I wanted to continue. Not only did we have a fabulous teacher back in New York, but I liked the pedagogy

No Excuses for Homophobia

Most readers of this blog can reel off any number of reasons why same-sex couples should have the same legal rights, protections, and responsibilities as opposite-sex ones. It’s still gratifying, however, to see someone put together the arguments in a pithy, witty, no-holds-barred article in the mainstream press. Hop on over to New Hampshire’s Manchester

ENDA and Our Families

If you’ve read any LGBT news sites today, you know we’ve moved one step closer to an important protection for LGBT Americans. Representatives Barney Frank (D-MA), Deborah Pryce (R-OH), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), and Chris Shays (R-CT) introduced the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which makes it illegal to base hiring, firing, promotion, or pay decisions on someone’s

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