August 2007

Weekly Political Update

It was all Larry Craig, all the time, for most of the week, and then things got really interesting Thursday. I’ve posted about a few hot items already, like the major wins for equality in Maine and Iowa, and the appalling decision to keep a film depicting same-sex families out of the school curriculum in […]

Horn Book Magazine on Books and Gender

The September/October issue of Horn Book Magazine, one of the leading journals on children’s and young adult literature, is all about books and gender. You can revisit the lesbian classic Annie on My Mind, learn how author Brian Selznick answered the question “Are you part man and part woman?,” discover “Gender Alchemy: The Transformative Power

Penguins Threaten Traditional Family Values

And Tango Makes Three, the children’s book based on a true story about two male penguins who adopt an abandoned egg, tops the American Library Association’s list of “10 Most Challenged Books of 2006,” “for homosexuality, anti-family, and unsuited to age group.” A challenge, according to the ALA, is “a formal, written complaint, filed with

Major Wins for Equality In Maine and Iowa

News too good to wait for my weekly update: In a unanimous decision, Maine’s Law Court ruled that two foster children, 10-year-old “M” and her brother, six-year-old “R,” could be adopted by the lesbian couple who have raised them for the past six years. Equality Maine, in an e-mail to supporters, notes this is “the

Happiest Gay Parents

The last two episodes of Rick and Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World took televised same-sex parenting where it’s never been before. First, Dana and Kirsten and Rick and Steve go on an LGBT cruise for some pre-parental bonding. While on board, Dana and Kirsten go through “Mommy Boot Camp,” a Lamaze

Parents Appealing Decision that Schools Can Teach About Same-Sex Families

Two sets of parents in Lexington, Massachusetts are appealing a U.S. District Court dismissal of their claim that the local public school district violated their constitutional rights by teaching their children about families headed by same-sex parents. The District Court judge had said (PDF link): Public schools are entitled to teach anything that is reasonably

Marriage Leads to Housework, At Least for Women

Married men say they do less housework than unmarried cohabiting men, according to a new international study published in the Journal of Family Issues. Cohabiting women, however, report doing less housework than married women, and cohabiting men still do less than cohabiting women. The lead author of the study, according to USA Today, says “the

Family Voices VIII

This week’s Family Voices interview is with lesbian moms Rachel and Sandy, who live in Washington state with their four children and co-parent with the biological dad of three of them. Below, they talk about their successful efforts to create safer schools and influence politicians, the benefits of co-parenting, being an egg donor to another

Worth the Trip: Queer Books for Kids and Teens

One of my favorite parts of writing this blog is doing reviews of children’s and young adult books, especially those with LGBT themes. I admit, however, that there are those more versed in the far reaches of children’s literature than I. Kathleen T. Horning is one such person, and her week-old blog, Worth the Trip:

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