Babytalk Under Fire for Article by Lesbian Mom

Patty Onderko is a senior editor at Babytalk magazine. As such, you’d think an article she wrote titled “A Night in the Life of a Sleepless Mom” would be anything but controversial. The focus of the story is about how difficult is was for Onderko to sleep while pregnant. Turns out, however, that some readers objected to the sentence: “My wife, Emily (I’m married to a woman), says good night and turns off her nightstand light,” and to Onderko’s middle-of-the-night reflections on how to answer the question “But who’s the real mom?”

Babytalk is reportedly getting a flood of hate mail about including such content, especially the reference to marriage, in a “family-friendly” magazine. You can see some people’s opinions, pro and con, over at Yahoo! Answers. Personally, I think those with peanut allergies should object to the fact that Onderko related a dream in which “the twins try and try to nurse, but my breasts will produce only peanut butter.”

Babytalk is no stranger to controversy, having riled people in 2006 with their shocking (Shocking! In a parenting magazine!) photo of a nursing baby on the cover. Still, with at least some readers canceling their subscriptions over the revelation of a lesbian mom in their midst, the editors need to know we support their decision to include all kinds of families. You might even mention this would cause you to choose them over other parenting magazines that have been lukewarm at best about lesbian moms.

Write to Babytalk at: le*****@ba******.com.

(Thanks to the Park Slope Queer Parents’ Group, via Louise Sloan, for the heads up.)

4 thoughts on “<em>Babytalk</em> Under Fire for Article by Lesbian Mom”

  1. Wow. That’s pretty sad. What was she supposed to do? Not mention her wife? Pretend she’s a single mom? Pretend her wife is a guy?

    Oh, right, not talk about it and not exist. Right…. >:(

  2. I’ve read this article and this just seems so silly. She’s simply speaking honestly about her own life openly so that other mothers can relate, she’s not trying to alienate anyone. And Divajean, I came across the same types of posts looking for “And Tango Makes Three,” which has to be one of the most harmless things ever. I mean their penguins. There are some nice comments which makes me happy.

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