Cold Spell

tissues.jpgWe’ve been beset with colds here at the House of Mombian, thanks to the petri dish that is our son’s preschool class. Whenever he comes home with a sniffle, I start popping the vitamin C in the vain hope it will slow the oncoming train bearing down on my sinuses.

Enough strained metaphors; it’s time for this week’s poll:


3 thoughts on “Cold Spell”

  1. We have been battling strep throat over here courtesy of our son’s preschool. I am on antibiotic number 2 now and am hoping this one at least slows it down a bit….is it summer yet?

  2. Hey Dana, consider yourself tagged. We invite you to post a 6-word memoir, mention your tagger, and then tag 5 more bloggers and let them know they’ve been invited to do the same. Me, I narrowed my memoir down to three words. Why be verbose.
    Happy blogging!

  3. I love my neti pot! It gets (amost) everything out so you don’t have to sniffle and blow all day long. Too bad I can’t get my kids (5 & 7 yrs. old) to use it yet.

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