Lipstick on a Guinea Pig

Uncle Bobby's WeddingSometimes the headlines write themselves.

Conservative writer and DC resident Margaret Hemenway is appalled that her child’s female first-grade teacher read Uncle Bobby’s Wedding to the class as a way to help the class understand that she (the teacher) was marrying another woman.

Not only that, but Hemenway then goes on to tie 60’s radical William Ayers, who the McCain campaign is trying to tie to Barack Obama, to the subversive agenda of “early childhood pro-homosexual indoctrination in schools.” She then states, “Sen. Obama should be asked whether he agrees with Bill Ayers on introducing these controversial issues in the capital’s elementary schools, starting in the first grade.”

I’ve written many times before about Uncle Bobby’s Wedding and the challenges it has faced. Hemenway’s article reaches a new high in lows, however. She also says vile things like “Since homosexual activists cannot reproduce their own children, recruitment to their cause (especially at a young age, before parents have raised such sensitive and controversial topics with their children) is essential to the political agenda of promoting homosexuality and ‘gay’ marriage.”

All right. I’m not going to take apart her argument point by point. If you’re reading this blog, you’re likely able to do that yourself. (If you want to read a great dismantling of conservative arguments against same-sex marriage, however, read Howard Schweber’s recent piece at HuffPo, in which he pinpoints “the worst argument in the world” against it. Hint: It has to do with our children.)

What I will say is this, which I’ve said before and have said again in a longer piece that just appeared at The only way to eliminate all discussion of same-sex couples from the classroom is to expel the children who have them as parents. Conservatives are trying to say they are serving children’s best interests by protecting them from the outside influence of the homosexual agenda. That’s because it goes over better than saying they want to prevent little Johnnie from bringing in photos of his moms’ wedding—or even their family vacation—for show-and-tell.

It’s sort of like putting . . . well, you know.

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