November 2008

More Gay Penguins Desperate to Parent

Another blow to the “it’s unnatural” argument against same-sex parents: Two male penguins at a zoo in China are so desperate to become parents that they are attempting to steal other penguins’ eggs and replace them with stones, reports Britain’s Daily Telegraph. The zookeepers have separated the pair from the rest of the group, but […]

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy early Thanksgiving to all of you celebrating it tomorrow. Posting will be light for the rest of the week as I plan to spend it in a tryptophan-induced haze. If you want to get a jump on your holiday shopping, and like me, try to avoid anything within a five-mile radius of a mall

New LGBT Adoption Awareness Campaign

All Children – All Families, a program of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Family Project, yesterday launched a new awareness campaign aimed at increasing LGBT foster parenting and adoption. Nice timing, considering the ruling yesterday that struck down the ban on LGBT people adopting in Florida. HRC also informs us: “All Children — All Families,

Breaking News: Florida Adoption Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman today declared Florida’s 30-year-old ban on adoption by gay men and lesbians unconstitutional, saying, “It is clear that sexual orientation is not a predictor of a person’s ability to parent.” ‘Bout time they realized that. State lawyers have already said they will challenge the decision. At the moment, however, it

Children of Lesbian Families Happy and Healthy, Despite Homophobia

The 17-year-olds participating in the National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS) “demonstrate significantly higher social competence” and “significantly lower total problem behavior [than the standard population]. This is a very high indication of mental health,” asserts Dr. Nanette Gartrell, principal investigator of the NLLFS and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California-San

Prop 8 Protests and Parenting

In our vlog last Thursday, Helen and I spoke about whether to take kids to the recent LGBT rallies and protests. I also wrote an article about kids and protests, which appeared today on In it, I look not only at the question of whether to take kids (short answer: it depends on the

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Yesterday’s Boston Globe had a front-page article on children looking for their anonymous sperm donors. While not specific to lesbian families, there are obvious connections. The article notes that at the end of October, a woman in Canada filed that country’s first class-action lawsuit on behalf of donor-conceived offspring, asking “that all donor records be

Weekly Political Roundup

Officials with President-elect Barack Obama’s transition team named at least seven openly gay or lesbian people to transition panels. A coalition of 104 retired military generals and admirals has released a joint call to repeal the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and allow gay and lesbian members of the military to serve openly. At

Mombian in “Curve”

The Mombian vlog, “She Got Me Pregnant,” got a mention in the December issue of Curve magazine. It’s just hitting newsstands now, and has Heather Matarazzo and Caroline Murphy on the cover. The article “Vlogging Killed the TV Star,” on page 70, says: Although YouTube is synonymous with the Internet’s vlog revolution, a more fruitful

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 50

Helen and I celebrate our 50th vlog this week with a big thank you to viewers. In a seasonal vein, we offer some tips on juggling kids and turkeys to make Thanksgiving go more smoothly, and Helen shares her favorite Thanksgiving craft. We then respond to a timely viewer question about whether to bring children

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