April 2009

Enough Already!

Lesbian mom? Split up? Fine, things didn’t work out, but don’t go trying to pretend your former partner and co-parent wasn’t a parent. There’s entirely too much of that going around. The Salt Lake City Weekly just reported on Gena Edvalson and Jana Dickson, who are in exactly this situation. Dickson is the bio mom, […]

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 67

This week’s vlog is brought to you by the letter “I” as Helen and I discuss marriage in Iowa and the lesbian mom now governing Iceland. How does the Icelandic patronymic system work when a child has two moms? Moving to avian matters, we highlight a pair of female swans who have cared for eggs

HRC Releases “Introduction to Welcoming Schools” Guide

The recent suicides of two young boys after repeated bullying at school have made many of us, myself included, wonder what we could do. One of the ways the HRC Foundation Family Project has responded is to push up the May release of its “Introduction to Welcoming Schools” guide, “An Inclusive Approach to Addressing Family

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Our stories told: Author, parent, and transgender woman Jennifer Finney Boylan recently told her story of transitioning in the New York Times’s column, “Modern Love.” Thanks to Family Equality for pointing out the piece. The 2009 Pride and Joy Families Weekend Conference in upstate New York was a big success, according to the Utica Observer-Dispatch.

Action Alert: Call Your Rep Today About Tomorrow’s Vote on Hate Crimes Bill

The U.S. House will vote on the Matthew Shepard Act, aka the Hate Crimes Bill, aka the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act tomorrow. HRC reports that the far right is “flooding Congress with calls, emails and sickening ‘fact sheets’ claiming that sexual orientation means criminal acts like bestiality and necrophilia, and that this

Sexy Lesbian Moms in New York

Oh, the search engines are going to have a field day with that title . . . but I’m really just passing along this information about an event of possible interest to lesbian moms (and prospective moms) in New York City. Please contact them (not me) if you have questions. Babeland, a mission-driven boutique retailer

Family Voices: Interlude

After 10 interviews, we’re taking a break this week in the Family Voices series. We have a few additional couples who have said they would contribute to this non-U.S. phase of the series, but have not yet received their responses. We’ll put them up if we get them, never fear. (If you haven’t contacted us

Happy Marriage, Iowans!

A very happy first day of legal marriage to the same-sex couples in Iowa who are getting hitched today, and a special congratulations to the children whose parents can now marry. It is worth noting, of course, that these marriages become worthless as soon as the families cross state lines or have anything to do

Barack Obama and Non-Traditional Families

I wrote this back in November for 365gay.com, but never crossposted. A recent article in the Bangor Daily News, by Diane Schetky, clinical professor of psychiatry at the Maine Medical Center, reminded me about it. Schetky makes the same point that I did, which is that children are not necessarily harmed by growing up without

Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont Marriage Forms Not as Gender Neutral as Might Appear

Three of the four states to enact marriage equality for same-sex couples are ignoring the existence of those with two moms or two dads. On the marriage license applications for Connecticut, Iowa, and Vermont* (PDF’s), applicants are asked to enter their names, with no requirement that one be “groom” and one be “bride.” So far

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