May 2009

Gay Dads Get a Lift at IKEA

One more reason I love IKEA. Actual photo from the IKEA in Stoughton, Mass. (And yes, there was another elevator next to it with a “man” and a “woman” and a child—or a butch and a femme, depending on your perspective. One of the figures was in a dress. Interpret it as you will. That […]

Weekly Political Roundup

A little political news this week, hmm? I already covered some Prop 8 stories on Tuesday, but I’ll start with a few more, because I just can’t help myself: Alec Baldwin (yes, that Alec Baldwin) tells us Why Childless Straight Couples Make the Case for Gay Marriage. Hip-hop pioneer Russell Simmons adds to my collection

How to Help Kids Cope with Prop 8

I’ve written ad infinitum about the impact on children of Prop 8 and other anti-LGBT measures. SFGate’s “City Brights” writer and internist physican Doc Gurley, however, offers some practical advice on how to help your children cope with the emotions they may be feeling as a result of the ruling. Here’s a summary of her

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 70

Helen and I take to the great outdoors this week to bring you a home improvement edition. Lumber, power tools, rebar, and dirt—what could be better to create both a sandbox and a garden plot? We also discuss how the Prop 8 decision impacts children and invite viewers to participate in the upcoming Blogging for

Lesbian Latina Sheriff Is a Straight Shooter

California Supreme Court Justice Carlos Moreno was the lone dissenting voice in the Prop 8 ruling this week. Judge Sonia Sotomayor is our next nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court. In a celebration of recent Hispanic achievements, however, let’s not forget Sheriff Lupe Valdez of Dallas, Texas. New (and very promising) Web site The Stimulist

GOOD Decision Out of California On Tuesday

No, I’m not talking about Prop 8. I’m talking about the decision by the Alameda school board to adopt an LGBT-inclusive safe schools curriculum. I wrote last week about the brewing controversy in Alameda, so I’ll refer you to that post for the details. Here’s the short version: Supporters of the measure wanted to curb

Prop 8: The Think Positive Edition

The blogosphere is awash in news and analysis of Prop 8. I’m working on a more thoughtful piece of my own, but in the meantime, I wanted to highlight a few of the more positive pieces I’ve found. Call me an optimist, but I do believe in that bendable arc of the universe. First, lesbian-rights

A Supreme Day

The Supremes seem supremely appropriate today: Sonia Sotomayor nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court: “Come See About Me.” The question is, will the California Supreme Court ruling on Prop 8 have us playing, “Where Did Our Love Go” or “Back In My Arms Again”? For another hour or so, however, “You Keep Me Hangin’ On.”

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