December 2009

Lesbian Moms Rejected as Leaders of Son’s Cub Scout Troop

Cate and Elizabeth Wirth, a lesbian couple in Vermont, were told by a Vermont district director of the Boy Scouts that they could no longer volunteer for their son’s Cub Scout troop after it became known that they are a couple. According to the Rutland Herald, Richard Stockton, Scout executive for the Green Mountain Council, […]

LGBT Parent Newsmakers of the Year

Who were the LGBT parents who made headlines this year in mainstream or LGBT news? Here are my top individuals or couples, in alphabetic (not rank) order. Please make your own additions in the comments—I realize I’m heavy on lesbian moms and light in other parts of the community (and on non-U.S. names).

Breaking: Ex-Lesbian Mom Incommunicado Before Custody Handover

Lisa Miller, the “ex-lesbian” mom who has been waging a lengthy custody battle with her former partner, Janet Jenkins, over their daughter Isabella, “has ceased contact with her attorneys and disappeared with (Isabella),” according to Vermont Judge William Cohen in the Times-Argus. (Thanks, Right Wing Watch.) In November, Judge Cohen granted sole custody of 7-year-old

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Politics and Law A must-read this week is Jacob M. Appel’s piece on the growing “sperm donors’ rights movement,” in which donors are trying to assert their claims to parenthood. New Mexico’s new parentage laws go into effect on January 1, Nancy Polikoff reminds us. The Really Quite Wonderful new law states: “a person who…consents

Get Mombian on Kindle

Did your sweetie treat you well this holiday season and get you a Kindle? Looking for something to fill its sleek yet capacious body? You can now get Mombian delivered right to your Kindle. It costs $1.99 per month (after a 14-day free trial); the advantage over the free version here is that you can

Happy Kwanzaa!

A very happy Kwanzaa to those of you celebrating it today. Kwanzaa is not part of our family’s tradition, but I love how it shows that we can honor our heritage in new ways, with traditions rooted in the past but developed in the present. (Kwanzaa was founded in 1966, which to me counts as

I Saw Mommy Kissing Mrs. Claus

Merry Christmas to those of you observing the holiday. The joys of the season to you and your families. Posting will be light here for a few days as I spend time playing with my son’s new toys. (He’ll have a lot; we can take turns.)

Give Your Kids Reindeer Food

No, I’m not suggesting you feed your children grass and lichens. One of the room parents at my son’s school made up the following recipe for each of the kids at their holiday party. Given my last name (Rudolph), it’s surprising I’d never heard of this before; I’m guessing it’s not that unusual. Still, it’s

Dazed and Confused

Amelie Gillette of The A.V. Club has a zinger of a post on the far-right and marriage equality. This qualifies as the quote of the week: Now they’re saying that we can’t have gay marriage because it would confuse the kids. But you know what else confuses kids? Everything: Time zones. Books without pictures. Cargo

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