Which LGBT-Related Legislation or Cases Had the Most Impact for You in 2009?

Share your opinions, dear readers: Which LGBT-related legislation and/or court cases had the most impact (positive or negative) on your lives this past year? Which do you think had the most impact overall on LGBT parents and their children, and on LGBT people in general in your country?

For bonus points, let us know which legislation and/or court cases you will be following most closely in 2010.

(I’ll put up a question soon about non-LGBT-related legislation. I know that’s just as important for some of us.)

3 thoughts on “Which LGBT-Related Legislation or Cases Had the Most Impact for You in 2009?”

  1. Well, I would have to say that the unanimous decision in Varnum v Brien in Iowa has made the biggest impact in my life. Go Iowa!

  2. Pingback: Mombian » Blog Archive » What Non-LGBT Legislation Did You Watch in 2009?

  3. Go Iowa (my maternal grandparents are from Burlington and Swedesburg) and go Kate and Trish!! That was a huge win for the movement and made it easier to bear the disappointments later in the year.

    In 2010, my partner will be on the job market so I’ll be checking out the political situation anywhere she gets an interview.

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