January 2010

Prop 8 Case and Kids: Says Who?

Here’s a fun one for you. Which of these two quotes was made by a witness for the plaintiffs, and which by a witness for the defense, in the federal trial to overturn California’s Prop 8? “I believe that adopting same-sex marriage would be likely to improve the well-being of gay and lesbian households and […]

Weekly Political Update

President Obama, in his State of the Union speech, said he would work with Congress and the military to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell “this year.” The Advocate rounds up some of the reactions. DC Agenda reports that “LGBT political insiders . . . believe the Employment Non-Discrimination Act is headed for almost certain defeat

Preview Review: A Family Is a Family Is a Family

Rosie O’Donnell’s new documentary A Family Is a Family Is a Family, premieres this Sunday, January 31, at 7 p.m. ET on HBO. I’ve seen a screener, and here are my thoughts. Overall, this is a great film, aimed at the elementary school ages, that focuses on children of various backgrounds speaking about their families.

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 97

Helen and I discuss our six-year-old’s letter to the president about health care reform. We also share our thoughts on LGBT families and California’s Proposition 8, Rosie O’Donnell’s upcoming show for kids, the impact of divorce on families, and a new list of LBGT-inclusive books from the American Library Association. Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant,

But How Do We Support Same-Sex Partners In the Military?

President Obama called for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” last night in his State of the Union speech. Bravo. I hope the LGBT community—and all citizens who want to see our military strengthened with all who wish to serve—hold him to that. Here’s my question, though: Once we allow gay men and lesbians

Quote of the Week (Perhaps the Year)

“The only thing the State or anybody should be looking at, the best interests of the child and how he is loved.” —Florida Judge Maria Sampedro-Iglesia, in granting Vanessa Alenier’s petition to adopt an infant cousin, despite the state ban on gay men and lesbians adopting children (via Nancy Polikoff)

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Parenting Studies “How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?” asks the lead article in this month’s Journal of Marriage and Family. The answer, from sociologists Timothy Biblarz of University of Southern California and Judith Stacey of New York University, is that it doesn’t, with the “partial exception of lactation.” The gender of parents “has minor

Work/Life and LGBT Families on Fem 2.0 Radio Today

Work/life balance is an issue near and dear to many of our hearts. Achieving that balance can be even tougher for LGBT people, who may have to contend with a variety of unfriendly laws, policies, and attitudes. I’ll be speaking this afternoon on Fem 2.0’s “Work/Life in Our Communities Blog Radio Series” as part of

What’s In a Name?

I am not “Mrs. Rudolph.” That should not surprise readers here, for lesbians who take a partner or spouse’s name (and are thus eligible for the “missus” title) are few and far between. Rudolph was the last name I was born with, and despite the inevitable jokes at Christmas time, it’s the name I’ll keep

Who You Callin’ No-Name Calling Week?

Today kicks off No-Name Calling Week, “an annual week of educational activities aimed at ending name-calling of all kinds and providing schools with the tools and inspiration to launch an on-going dialogue about ways to eliminate bullying in their communities.” The event is organized by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), in partnership

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