LGBT Parenting Roundup

Politics and Law

  • A Vermont family court judge issued a warrant for the arrest of Lisa Miller, an “ex-lesbian” who disappeared with the girl who is legally the child of her and her former civil union partner, Janet Jenkins.
  • A bit of good news to follow up on a case I posted about last June, when a California Court of Appeal denied the appeal of Kristina S., a biological, “ex-lesbian” mom (are you sensing a pattern here?) who has been trying since 2004 to prevent her former partner Charisma R. from being declared a legal parent to the child they planned and began to raise together. Now, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear the case. Charisma was represented by the National Center for Lesbian Rights; Kristina by the conservative Liberty Counsel. Nancy Polikoff explains that while the SCOTUS refusal sets no precedent, the California opinion in the case helps “protect a person designated as a parent under state law” and the SCOTUS denial “can’t help but add the tiniest bit of ‘oomph’ to any citation of the case in other states.”
  • The Arizona House advanced a bill to give preference in adoption cases to legally married couples. The Arizona Republic reports, “Unmarried adults could still be considered for adoption when they are related to or already have a relationship with the child, or if there is not a married couple available. The best interests of the child would remain the determining factor in choosing adoptive parents.” That’s all well and good, but still . . . . Equality Arizona has launched an online petition through which Arizonans can contact their legislators and ask them to oppose the bill.
  • Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell “almost certainly” will appeal last week’s federal appeals court ruling that ordered the state to issue an amended birth certificate listing two gay New York men as parents of a child born in Shreveport whom they adopted.


  • The cast of Glee, which includes out actor Jane Lynch as well as several gay characters, has been invited to perform at the White House Egg Roll in April. Last year, the Obama administration reached out directly to LGBT families, encouraging them to attend the Egg Roll. Nice, but what about equality under the law, as I’ve said before (and as Dorothy Snarker rightly points out again)?
  • Not exactly parenting news, but because those of us with children of a certain age are likely to have video games in the house—and sometimes play them ourselves—it’s worth noting that has relaunched with a new look and all of the reviews, commentary, and other good stuff they’ve become known for.

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