March 2010

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Personal Stories and Opinion Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) is running a weekly series of stories about families harmed by the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). There are lots of families with children among them. This week they showcase Paul and Bob Ruseau, gay dads in Massachusetts. Worth a look, if only […]

Livin’ La Vida Papá

Unless you’ve been stuck in an elevator for the last 24 hours, you’ll know that pop star Ricky Martin has come out as gay. He wrote at his Web site: If someone asked me today, “Ricky, what are you afraid of?” I would answer “the blood that runs through the streets of countries at war…child

CBS Profiles Lesbian Moms Discharged Under DADT

When Army medic Sgt. Lacye Presley first met CBS News Correspondent Kimberly Dozier, Presley helped keep the reporter alive when her CBS News team was hit by a car bomb in Iraq. She was awarded a Bronze Star for her actions that day. Later, she was discharged under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Dozier followed Presley’s

Fighting the Schoolyard Battles

Go read “Beyond the straight and narrow” by Australian lesbian mom Jaqueline Tomlins, about how she and her seven-year-old handled schoolyard teasing about their family. It’s one of the most thoughtful pieces on the topic that I’ve read—and I’ve read quite a few. (Written some myself, in fact.) Happy Monday!

Wanted: Teens with LGBT Parents

Posting another academic study request, this time for research on teens with LGB parents. This one has a personal tone for me, not because I have teens (my son is six), but because I’ve interviewed the lead researcher, Abbie Goldberg, about her latest book on LGBT parents and on some earlier research about lesbian and

Weekly Political Roundup

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced a plan for making enforcement of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell “more humane and fair.” Servicemembers will no longer be dismissed if they are involuntarily outed by a third party. Three—count ’em, three—U.S. representatives have introduced separate bills in the past week designed to protect LGBT people from discrimination in

“She Got Me Pregnant”: Episode 102

Helen and I look at several Showtime hits and ask: “Who’s a better mother: Jackie Peyton, Tara Gregson, or Nancy Botwin?” We also share what President Obama wrote to our son about health care reform, and I discuss my own early experience writing to the White House. Mombian: She Got Me Pregnant, 03-25-2010 Uploaded by

Constance McMillen and Her Lesbian Mom

By now, you would have to have been living on another planet not to know the story of Constance McMillen, whose Mississippi high school canceled its prom after she told officials she wanted to bring her girlfriend and wear a tux. What most news channels have missed, however, is that Constance’s mother is also a

Participate In a Study of Lesbian and Gay Adoptive Parents

Passing along this information about a new study of lesbian and gay adoptive parents. I’m not involved in the study, but I know the Evan B. Donaldson folks have a good reputation. David Brodzinsky, one of the study leads, is Research & Project Director there. His research partner, Scott Ryan, is at Florida State—and we

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Schools and Youth A federal judge ruled that high school senior Constance McMillen had a First Amendment right to attend her senior prom with the date of her choice and wearing the clothes of her choice, although he said he wouldn’t force the school to hold the prom they canceled after McMillen requested to attend

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