August 2011

Back in a Few

I’m taking a few days off because of a family emergency. Thanks for your understanding.

Weekly Political Roundup

Keeping it short this week, since I need to go figure out how to build an emergency shelter out of Legos before the storm hits. Hope all of you are staying safe, too. The White House and the Department of Homeland Security confirmed that same-sex spouses and partners will be considered in case-by-case reviews of

Battening Down

Earthquakes, hurricanes . . . I’m waiting for the locusts. We’re battening down the hatches here in New England in preparation for Hurricane Irene. I usually cast a skeptical eye on the sensationalist weather forecasting that seems to be the norm these days, but in this case, I think precautions are warranted. Best wishes to those

What Are Your Back-to-School Concerns?

It’s back-to-school time, so let’s do a fun little poll for all of us who have children braving the wilds of education: [polldaddy poll=5451069]

Judge Tells Gay Dad Kids Can’t Stay with Husband

A gay dad whose former wife has custody of their children has been granted visitation—as long as he does not leave them alone with any man to whom they are not related “by blood or adoption.” The dad, however, remarried—he and his now-husband wed in Connecticut. As Geoff Berg of the Houston Chronicle pointed, out, “So if, for

10 Books Every LGBT Parent Should Read

Books about LGBT parenting are few and far between, but here are ten that I recommend for all LGBT parents and prospective parents. I chose works that each showcase a variety of voices, rather than single-person memoirs, so each one would resonate as widely as possible. I also chose books that focus on the emotional side of parenting rather than medical and legal how-to works, since the latter tend to be specific to particular segments of the LGBT community.

I hope these selections, taken together, will help us better understand our collective, yet diverse, experience of being LGBT parents.

The Allure of Old-Fashioned Games

It’s been one of those weeks, so I’m going to forgo my usual political roundup for something a little more lighthearted. On our vacation last week, my spouse and I played some fierce games of  Scrabble. It’s a long-time habit with us, and we in fact own travel Scrabble sets in at least three different sizes. (Geeks,

BlogHer Shoutouts

BlogHer ’11 has been over for more than a week now, but I went right from the conference to an extended vacation with my in-laws. They took all of us, plus my spouse’s siblings and their kids, on a cruise to Mexico (about which more later), but since I bled money every time I logged

LGBT Parenting Roundup

I’ll start off my first post-vacation roundup with a few summer stories of interest: An Australian court ruled that a nonbiological mother had the right to have her name on the birth certificate of the child she had with her former partner, and that the sperm donor had no parental rights. California Governor Jerry Brown

Create a Video for Banned Books Week

I often write about banned books here, and love the annual Banned Books Week in September. This year, the American Library Association is encouraging anyone celebrating the freedom to read to take part in a Virtual Read-Out on YouTube. School Library Journal has the details: The criteria are simple: create a video that’s less than two minutes

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