“Pregnant Butch” Takes a Comic Look at Pregnancy and Gender

You’re probably saying, “What would make this Monday morning just perfect is a new comic about a pregnant butch lesbian.”

What? You’re not? Well, you should be. Go check out A.K. Summers’ new comic/graphic tale, “Pregnant Butch” over at comic collective site Act-i-vate. It’s a funny, insightful, semi-autobiographical look at “a butch dyke enduring that most deeply feminizing of processes—pregnancy.” She’ll be serializing the 100-page comic at the rate of several pages per week, and hopes someday to find a print publisher. (Note: This is a comic of the grown-up variety.)

I had the pleasure of interviewing A.K. for my upcoming Mombian newspaper column, which should be appearing in papers this week. (Here it is in Bay Windows.) I’ll repost it here after the papers have it out. (If your local LGBT (or other) paper isn’t carrying my column, and you’d like them to, drop the editor a note and ask her or him to contact me. Much appreciated!)

In the meantime, go enjoy Pregnant Butch and marvel yet again at all of the many journeys we take to parenthood. (You can also find out more about A.K. at her personal site.)

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