January 2012

Percentage of Same-Sex Couples With Children Declines Slightly as Total Numbers Rise

The percentage of same-sex couples with children has fallen slightly since 2006—a drop that may in fact reflect a decline in social stigma, according to a new study. At the same time, the total number of same-sex couples raising children has risen, and the percentage of same-sex couples who have adopted children has nearly doubled in the past decade.

LGBT Parenting Roundup

Family Profiles Fenway Health, the LGBT health organization in Boston, reposted a piece by prospective lesbian mom Andrea about the journey she and her wife are taking to parenthood, starting with alternative insemination. Andrea also blogs at Little Lesbian Baby Blog. CNN profiled Frederic Deloizy and his husband Mark Himes, fathers of four. Deloizy, a

Discrimination Means Children with LGBT Parents May Face Extra Economic Hardships

There’s a myth that LGBT parents are all affluent—a myth perpetuated by many in the media, who tend to focus on upper-middle and upper class families when they do LGBT family stories. The reality is much different. Children being raised by same-sex couples are in fact twice as likely to live in poverty as those being

Seeking Binational Same-Sex Couples Raising Children

Passing along this message from Immigration Equality, a national organization fighting for equality under U.S. immigration law for LGBT and HIV-positive individuals. They are seeking binational same-sex couples with children for an awareness campaign. Please respond to them at the link below if you are interested. Immigration Equality is hoping to find binational couples, who are

Family Equality Council Launches New Web Site for LGBT Parents

The Family Equality Council, which “connects, supports, and represents the one million lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender parents in this country and the two million children they are raising,” has launched a new Web site. The redesigned site has all kinds of resources for LGBT parents, including one of my favorites, an interactive map of

Happy Gay-Straight Alliance Day!

Today marks the first-ever National Gay-Straight Alliance Day, a project of the Iowa Pride Network in partnership with the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). In honor of the occasion, I’ll point out my coverage a few years ago of the 20th anniversary celebration of the GSA at Phillips Academy, which has the second-oldest GSA in

This Week Only: Free Streaming of Anti-Bullying Film

In honor of No Name-Calling Week, educational film company Groundspark is offering free streaming of its anti-bullying and anti-name-calling film Let’s Get Real. Aimed at students in grades five through nine, it is notable for not preaching at kids, but rather letting them speak in their own voices about  race, sexual orientation  (real and perceived), learning

I’ll Say It Again: Lesbian and Gay Parents Are Not Better, Just Different

Here we go again. More than two years ago, I wrote about a flurry of media coverage in the wake of the publication of Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children: Research on the Family Life Cycle, by Dr. Abbie Goldberg of Clark University. In the book, Goldberg discusses a number of strengths that lesbian

Video: Elementary School Kids Discuss What “Gay” and “Lesbian” Mean

“What Do You Know” is a new short film from the Welcoming Schools initiative that shows children ages six to twelve (including some kids with lesbian and gay parents) discussing their experiences with the words “gay” and “lesbian.” The full 13-minute film, used in Welcoming Schools diversity trainings and playing in film festivals across the

Weekly Political Roundup

A weekly summary of LGBT political news highlights for busy parents. Freedom to Marry has launched Mayors for the Freedom to Marry, a bipartisan coalition of over 80 mayors who have pledged to support marriage for same-sex couples. Indiana has begun to issue a license plate designed to raise awareness about LGBT youth issues—the first

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