I want to know what’s in the water up in Toronto, Canada. Just days after I post about  S. Bear Bergman’s Toronto-based Flamingo Rampant project to produce books for trans-identified elementary school children, I find out about Cory Silverberg’s Toronto-based project to create a What Makes a Baby book that works for all types of families, no matter how they were formed or the number or gender of the parent(s). Like Bergman, Silverberg is hoping to raise funds via Kickstarter, with donations as low as $1.
As Silverberg points out in the video below, kids want to know where babies come from, but they also want to know where they themselves come from—and the two questions don’t always have the same answer. Silverberg, a certified sexuality educator, hopes to create a book for children up to age eight that will help them navigate these questions.
I’m not at all involved in the project. As usual, exercise your own judgement before giving anyone money online. At the very least, however, watch the video below, since it makes a good case for why such books are needed.
(The video sometimes needs a few moments to load.)