Less Than One Month Until Blogging for LGBT Families Day

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2012The 7th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day is now less than one month away! To participate, simply blog at your own blog on a topic related to LGBT families on or before June 1, 2012. Then visit www.mombian.com to submit the link to your entry.

Any blogger who wants to support LGBT families is welcome, LGBT or not, parent or not. I encourage those who don’t usually post about LGBT families or LGBT issues, as well as those for whom every day is Blogging for LGBT Families Day. Give it a spin based on your usual blog topics. There’s no set formula or format. Photos and videos are also welcome.

More details and banners after the jump.

Here’s how it works:

  • Submit your post as above. I will showcase the full list of participants here at Mombian on June 1.
  • You can also create a video and upload it to YouTube or other video sharing service, tag it “lgbtfamilies,” and submit the link at Mombian.
  • Additionally, you can tweet in support of LGBT families on June 1 and include the hashtag #lgbtfamilies. I will display the tweets in a scrolling box at www.mombian.com throughout the day. You can also follow the hashtag using most popular Twitter software.
  • Come back often on June 1 to read the posts and (re)discover friends and allies from across the blogosphere.

Please also grab a banner below and promote the event on your site, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The more people who participate, the more impact our voices will have.


  • Right-click the image (Mac users: click and hold) and choose “Download image,” “Save image as…” or “Save picture as…” Follow the prompts in the dialogue box to save to your computer.
  • Upload to your blog or Facebook as you would any image.
  • Link the image to http://www.mombian.com/2012/05/02/less-than-one-month-until-blogging-for-lgbt-families-day/
  • You may not modify the images and may only use them to link to the Blogging for LGBT Families Day posts at Mombian.
  • Please download the image(s) you want to your own computer (and then upload them to your blog, Facebook, etc.), rather than link to the image files here. (If I find people are doing that, I will change the image names so old image links won’t work.)

Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2012 Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2012 Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2012 Blogging for LGBT Families Day 2012

2 thoughts on “Less Than One Month Until Blogging for LGBT Families Day”

  1. What a wonderful idea!!
    I’m still fairly new here so I wasn’t around for last year’s blog for lgbt families day, but I will certainly be participating in this years!!
    Let’s make our voices heard!!! :D

  2. Pingback: Laurustina » Flash Forward » Laurustina

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