October 2012

A Truly Scary Halloween

Thinking about the possibility of Mitt Romney winning the election. . . thinking about the four states whose voters will decide on marriage equality. . . . thinking about the balance of power in Congress. Yes, I’m shivering, and it’s not because of the small ghouls and goblins who will be showing up at my door tonight.

Milestones in LGBT Parenting History

October is LGBT History Month, so I want to celebrate with a look at some of the historical milestones—of laws, visibility, and community—related to LGBT parents. This is not meant to be a comprehensive look at the 40-year history of out LGBT parents, but simply a brief list of a few LGBT parenting “firsts.” These items may show only part of the story, but I hope they will give readers a sense of the rich history of which we are part.

Kids of Lesbian and Gay Parents Play in Less Gender-Stereotyped Ways

A new study has shown that adopted children of same-sex parents are “significantly less” gender stereotyped in their play habits than adopted children of opposite-sex parents. That news is likely to be seen as a Bad Thing by many on the extreme right—but as the study notes, many scholars, parents, and educators today believe a more flexible attitude towards gender roles is less limiting to children’s development. Such openness may thus have psychological benefits—and that’s a Good Thing.

Facing the Storm as an LGBT Family

Here’s wishing safety to family and home for any of you in the path of Hurricane Sandy. We’re bracing for it here in Massachusetts—but I think those of you farther south will bear the brunt. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has produced a suggested Basic Disaster Supplies Kit that all families should keep on hand. LGBT families, however, should pay special attention to one item on the list.

Romney Refused Correct Birth Certificates for Children of Same-Sex Parents

When Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts, he refused to let the state’s Registry of Vital Records and Statistics revise its birth certificate forms to correctly show the legal parents of babies born to same-sex couples, the Boston Globe reports.

Mombian Named a Top Pregnancy Blog of 2012

Babble, that parenting wonderland, has named Mombian one of its Top 20 Pregnancy Blogs of 2012. I’m honored by the accolade and humbled to be in such good company. A full list of honorees is after the jump.

Do You Have an Election Day Plan?

It’s 13 days until the U.S. election. There’s a lot at stake, and the results could be close. Voter turnout could make a difference—so it’s none to early to plan out your Election Day and make sure you get to the polls (or vote early if your state allows it).

Online STEM Videos for Kids

Wait. . . . Isn’t this a blog about LGBT parenting? Yes, but sometimes parenting is just parenting—and with a son interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) subjects, this particular LGBT parent spends a lot of time looking for STEM resources. Herewith, some of the sites we’ve been enjoying lately as sources for STEM videos.


Foster Kids Do Equally Well with Gay or Straight Parents, Study Shows

Foster children do equally well no matter the sexual orientation of their parents, a new study has found. While many of us might have guessed as much (or known from the evidence of our own lives), research like this continues to provide necessary hard evidence to convince courts, politicians, and others that our families deserve to be treated with equal respect and legal recognition.

It’s Spirit Day! Speak Out Against Bullying

Today is Spirit Day, an observance begun in 2010 in response to the increasing number of young people known to have died by suicide after relentless bullying. Much of the focus is on harassment and bullying of LGBT youth (or those perceived to be), and rightly so—but let’s not forget that children of LGBT parents, regardless of whether they are LGBT themselves, may also be targets.

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