April 2013


Good News or Bad News for Children of Same-Sex Parents Applying for Financial Aid?

There was good news and bad news yesterday for same-sex parents of children in or soon-to-be in college: Starting with the 2014-2015 federal student aid form, the U.S. Department of Education will ask for information about a dependent student’s legal parents regardless of the parents’ marital status or gender, as long as the parents live together. That’s good news, in that it will be the first time the form reflects the actualities of same-sex parents’ families (and those of unmarried, opposite-sex parents). It’s bad news, in that some students may receive less aid now that both parents’ contributions will be recognized—or will they?


Lesbian/Bi Women in Stepparent Households Wanted for Study

Are you a woman raising a child/children in a same-sex relationship where one of you had the child(ren) in a previous opposite-sex relationship and the other is a stepparent? Katie Acosta, an assistant professor of sociology at Tulane University, wants you to take part in her new study of same-sex stepparents.

Binational Lesbian Moms Fight to Keep Family Together

The French National Assembly and a Rhode Island Senate committee each passed a marriage equality bill yesterday, making them likely to become law in both places. The Delaware House also passed one on to the Senate, and the Nevada Senate took the first step towards repealing its constitutional ban on marriage for same-sex couples. Good news. But for Ariana and Diana, two lesbian moms, only a repeal of the federal Defense of Marriage Act and a reform of immigration law will allow them to keep their family together without the risk of deportation.

Save the Date: Blogging for LGBT Families Day Is June 3

Save the date! Monday, June 3, will be the 8th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day, hosted right here at Mombian—but powered by your blogs! Anyone who wants to post in support of LGBT families is welcome. The event is a time for us to share stories and make connections both within and outside the LGBT community, rejoicing in both our similarities and our diversity. Details and banners after the jump. Please help spread the word!

Boy Scouts’ Proposed Policy Still An Insult

The Boy Scouts of America have proposed a policy change that would allow gay Scouts in their ranks, but would continue to deny leadership positions to “open or avowed homosexuals.” This policy is both a step forward and a slap in the face.

To End the Silence

Today marks the 16th annual Day of Silence, an event sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), where students from middle school to college take some form of a vow of silence to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment. But a federal bill reintroduced yesterday that would prohibit anti-LGBT discrimination, harassment, bullying, and violence in public schools faces a tough road ahead.

Second Trailer for Jennifer Lopez’ Lesbian Mom TV Series

I am writing, slowly and painfully, about the tragedy here in Boston this week. I want to give that proper thought, however, so in the meantime, please enjoy this second trailer for the upcoming Jennifer Lopez-produced series on ABC Family about a lesbian couple and their adopted, biological, and foster kids.


Author of Transgender Comics Character Has Good Advice for All

We could all use some lighter news about now, right? Here’s a great quote from Batgirl comic writer Gail Simone—it’s in reference to her introduction of the first transgender character in mainstream comics, but it applies quite broadly to diversity in all kinds of media. It has particular resonance for me when I think about LGBT-inclusive children’s books.

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