May 2013

Are You Ready? Blogging for LGBT Families Day Is This Monday

It’s almost here, folks. Blogging for LGBT Families Day is this coming Monday, June 3. Join bloggers from all types of families, LGBT and allied, in posting in support and celebration of LGBT families. It’s simple: Just blog where you normally do, and submit the link to your post after the jump here. Please also help spread the word—now—on Facebook, Twitter, or wherever you socialize online.

ExxonMobile Votes Against LGBT Protections. Where Will You Buy Gas?

Yesterday, ExxonMobil shareholders for the 14th year in a row rejected a resolution to add sexual orientation and gender identity and expression to the company’s Equal Employment Opportunity policy—a policy that had been in place in the Mobil corporation before its merger with Exxon. And in a test conducted by LGBT group Freedom to Work, the company called back a less-qualified applicant over a more-qualified one, with the main difference in their resumes being that the latter volunteered with an LGBT-rights organization. So where will you fill up to take the kids to soccer practice?

Parenting Is Love (and a Little Nagging)

There was so much good stuff going around for Mother’s Day that I neglected to share this great one-minute video from The Righteous Conversations Project, which brings together Holocaust survivors and teens to speak up about injustice. The video isn’t about the Holocaust, though; if anything, it’s about parental nagging in the age of social media. It comes via Keshet, the organization for LGBT inclusion in Jewish life—but I think it speaks to a commonality of many families.

15 Things You Could Blog About on Blogging for LGBT Families Day

Posts are already rolling in to celebrate Blogging for LGBT Families Day this coming Monday—and while you’re welcome to wait until June 3, I imagine many of you are already thinking about what to post. Here are 15 ideas to motivate you.

Children of Lesbian Moms Happy with Relationships to Male Donors

Young adults with lesbian moms and male donors are generally happy with their relationships with the donors, a new study has found. Most do not view their donors as dads, but some still have a growing interest in seeing them more often than when they were younger.

Boy Scouts Voting Tomorrow on Gay Ban; Take Action Today

Tomorrow, the Boy Scouts of America will be voting on a new policy that would lift the ban on gay scouts, while still banning gay and lesbian leaders. It’s a step in the right direction, but still an insult to gay scouts who will never be able to become leaders, and to those who have lesbian or gay parents, as I wrote when they first proposed it. Take action today to tell the Boy Scouts to allow gay scouts and leaders.

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