June 2013

California Same-Sex Parents Talk About Supreme Court Rulings

As we head into the end of a milestone week for LGBT equality, please enjoy this short video of three California same-sex families, including two dads (with their daughter) and two moms, talking about what this week’s Supreme Court rulings on marriage mean to them.

The Lesbian Moms Behind DOMA Repeal

As we all ride the waves of elation and joy from yesterday’s marriage equality victories, we lesbian moms can take extra pride in knowing that several of our own were among those leading the way. Prop 8 plaintiffs Kris Perry and Sandy Stier have four kids. And attorney Mary Bonauto, who has been called the “mastermind” of the DOMA repeal, has twins.

U.S. Supreme Court Rules DOMA Unconstitutional

The U.S. Supreme Court has just ruled that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional—in other words, that the federal government must recognize legally enacted marriages of same-sex couples. The Court also said those defending California’s Proposition 8 had no standing to do so—clearing the way for same-sex couples to marry in California.

Massachusetts marriage ruling

Will We Gain Marriage Equality Today?

Today’s the day. Really. No more waiting. At 10 a.m., the U.S. Supreme Court will announce its remaining decisions for the session, including ones in the two marriage equality cases under consideration.

Binational Moms of 3 Fight to Keep Family Together

I was feeling punchy yesterday when waiting to see if the Supreme Court would issue its decision on marriage equality. I’m in a more serious mood today, though, so I thought I’d share this video of Catriona and Cathy, a binational couple who are fighting to keep their family together despite the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

A Little Fairy Magic

A little fun something while we’re all waiting to see if the Supreme Court will issue its marriage equality rulings today. I found this box of Disney-branded Kellogg’s fruit snacks at my local supermarket the other day—and was immediately struck by how . . . umm . . . friendly Tinkerbell and her friend seemed. Just goes to show you how much I know about fairies.

Disney Channel Show to Feature Two-Mom Family

A terrific piece of news today: The Disney Channel has announced that an episode of its children’s series Good Luck Charlie will feature a family with two moms—the first time a show on the channel has done so.

LGBT Family Photos Wanted: From MS, NV, RI, WY

The Family Equality Council, PFLAG, and COLAGE are working on an LGBT family visibility project, covering 50 states with 50 family photos. They’re still in need of photos from families in a few more states: Mississippi, Nevada, Rhode Island, and Wyoming.

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