August 2013

Lesbian Mom and Gay Dad Speak at March on Washington 50th Anniversary

Yesterday’s celebration of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington included many amazing speeches, including President Obama’s — but for the purpose of this blog, I want to highlight two speeches by LGBT parents: Eliza Byard and Alan Van Capelle.

Learn More About Two of the Gay Dads Challenging Nebraska Foster Parent Ban

Three same-sex couples yesterday challenged Nebraska’s ban on gay men and lesbians becoming foster parents. One of the couples — and the five children they adopted out of foster care in California, where they previously lived — were the subject of a documentary a few years ago. Read my interview with the filmmaker and see a trailer after the jump, and learn more about the dads who are clearly continuing to do good for their family and others.

Racial Justice and LGBT Parenting

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, the seminal civil rights rally and site of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, organized in large part by Bayard Rustin, a gay Black man. The fight for racial justice is far from over in this country, even as the fight for LGBT equality picks up steam — and the two movements, while not identical, are nevertheless interwoven. Here are a few items of late that touch on the intersection of race and LGBT parenting.

LGBTQ Parenting Roundup

LGBT Parenting Roundup

It’s a big, fat roundup to close out the week — some of the stories I haven’t covered already. Enjoy!

Batwoman: Lesbian Stepmom?

Even if you’re not a comic book geek, you may have heard that the latest incarnation of DC Comics’ Batwoman is a lesbian. Based on the most recent issue, she could soon become a lesbian stepmom, too.

New Zealand Moms First to Wed at 30,000 Feet

New Zealand welcomed marriage equality this week, and moms Lynley Bendall and Ally Wanikau were among the first to wed. They did so in style — at 30,000 feet on a special Air New Zealand flight, after winning a contest held by the airline. Watch a video of their wedding, along with the charming video of their kids that won them the contest in the first place.

“Searching For Identity Amongst The Bugaboos”

A few months ago, the lovely ladies over at Autostraddle asked me to be part of their series, “True Stories of Unstoppably Extraordinary Lesbian Moms.” I hesitated, not seeing myself as “unstoppably extraordinary,” but when they explained I should just write about a parenting challenge I’ve faced, I agreed.

Baby, I Can Drive Your Car

“Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet” goes the old ad jingle. I therefore felt rather all-American on a recent trip to the Pacific Northwest to test drive the Chevy Volt as part of the iconic brand’s outreach to the LGBT community.

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