Transgender Mother Wins “Working Mother of the Year”

trophyMeghan Stabler has been named “Working Mother of the Year” by Working Mother magazine, making her the first transgender woman to win the award.

Stabler is advisor of IT Business Operations at CA Technologies. She’s also a member of HRC’s Board of Directors and has been an advocate for LGBT equality across the country.

Jennifer Owens, the editorial director of Working Mother Media, said in a statement, “Working Mother is proud to honor Meghan Stabler. She is an example of a true champion — at work where she serves as a leader for LGBT and gender equality, and at home where she has built a loving and supportive family. She has successfully combined her passion and authenticity as a transgender woman in the workplace to impact the lives of others.”

Stabler herself is humble about the honor. In a post at HuffPo, she says:

I’m just like any other mom, be she single, partnered or married: I’m planning meals, balancing budgets, figuring out how to encourage my child to enjoy reading, and juggling my schedule to accommodate taking my daughter to the doctor when she’s sick. While most of the U.S. puts a label on who I am, both at home and in the workplace, to myself I’m just a working mother.

At the same time, her identity as a transgender woman has given her a useful perspective on the wider issues of both women’s and LGBT equality. “Seeing both sides has helped me realize that the ‘old boys’ network’ must be disassembled,” she writes. “While the LGBT community continues to fight for marriage and workplace equality across all 50 states, the nation’s unconscious bias around both women and the LGBT community needs to be exposed.”

Go read the rest for her further thoughts on women’s and LGBT equality in the workplace and beyond.

Congratulations to Stabler for a well-deserved honor!

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