February 2006


Children’s Musical Development

I love my son’s Music Together class, as I’ve written before. Not only is it great for the kids, but it encourages us parents to participate in our children’s musical exploration, sharing drums, bells, scarves, shakers, and anything else that makes a sound or marks a rhythm. In how many other places would you find […]

Weekly Political Roundup

Florida’s Senate tabled a bill that would have granted adoption rights to same-sex couples. A Missouri Circuit Court has granted foster-parenting rights to a lesbian couple. It is unclear whether the state will appeal the ruling. New Jersey’s Supreme Court heard arguments on behalf of couples claiming that denial of marriage rights to same-sex couples

Olympic Moms

I’ve been a total Olympic junkie this week. While I’ll watch any athletes, regardless of parental status, I’ve noticed that moms are doing well for themselves in these games. Swiss skeleton racer Maya Pederson, who won the 2005 World Championships only a year after giving birth, won gold in the event in Torino. Norwegian cross-country

Babies Have Inherent Sense of Number

Scientific American reports today on research claiming that babies as young as seven months have an inherent sense of number. The scientists found that when infants hear someone saying “Look” either two or three times, they will chose to spend more time looking at a video displaying the matching number of faces, rather than one

It’s About Love

It’s Valentine’s Day, and all I can think about (well, until my partner comes home) are the two court cases, one today and one tomorrow, that could have a tremendous impact on LGBT families. In Florida today, the Senate Committee on Children and Families is voting on whether to permit adoption by same-sex parents. Heart-wrenching

Dealing with Relatives

Adoptive Family magazine has a good article on how to deal with insensitive comments relatives may make about adopted children. They recommend that you: Appoint yourself ambassador of adoption. “Immunize” yourself before family encounters. Do a background check [with other relatives, not the FBI] on problematic relatives. Hold your ground firmly but with compassion. Much

Smiling Snacks

Does anyone else find it disturbing that the motto of Goldfish crackers is “The Snack that Smiles Back?” I’m sorry, but vegetarian or not, I don’t want my food smiling at me. (Actually, at our house we’re partial to Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies when it comes to snack crackers. Cute and bunny shaped, but they don’t

New Jersey Supreme Court to Hear Marriage Case Tuesday

New Jersey could shortly be the second state to legalize same-sex marriage, and the first to do so through the judiciary rather than the legislature. Lambda Legal’s groundbreaking case, Lewis v. Harris, will go before the state Supreme Court next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. Garden State Equality, New Jersey’s LGBT-rights group, will be holding a

Winter Olympics

A little off-topic, but I dare say I’m not the only dyke looking forward to the Winter Olympics that start tomorrow. While the sports I personally play tend not to involve ice and snow (though I’ve been known to cross-country ski on occasion), I’m still going to be glued to the TV for two weeks.

Stop the “Marriage Protection Amendment”

The Human Rights Campaign is asking people to write to their members of Congress and urge them not to cosponsor or vote for the “Marriage Protection Amendment,” a renamed version of the “Federal Marriage Amendment” defeated in 2004. They explain: This week, the American Family Association alerted their members to expect a vote in the

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