April 2006

WHO to Revise Infant Growth Charts

The World Health Organization is revising its 20-year-old guidelines for infant birth weights to take into account the increasing number of breast-fed children. Infants fed formula gain weight faster than those who are breast fed, so breast-fed infants would incorrectly appear underweight in the old charts. Of course, if you feed your child formula, for […]

You Know You’re a Mom When . . .

Four signs you’re a mom taking a cruise without your preschooler: You sing “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” while applying sunscreen. You want to bring home the towel-origami elephant the steward left in your room. You use a photo of your child as a bookmark for your beach reading, and look at it yourself even

The Lez Boat

I’m back from a week floating around the Caribbean with 1800 or so other lesbians. Olivia Travel, as always, knows how to do vacations right. I’ll spare you the “what I did on my (almost-) summer vacation” essay, though, and instead use the cruise as a jumping-off point for some posts this week on community,

Evil Chai, and a Better Alternative

My folks were visiting a few weeks ago, and gave me the chance to escape the house child-free one afternoon. I went down to a local bookstore (a major chain, which shall remain nameless), selected a title of interest, and sat down at their café for a drink. Normally, I tend to order coffee drinks,


Sometimes the reminders of invisibility leap up in unexpected places. My partner and I were dyeing Easter eggs the other day. We’d bought a kit with dye tablets, stickers, and shrink-on decorated wrappers. Yes, regular food coloring works, too, but we thought our two-year-old son would have fun putting stickers on the eggs. I pulled

Whole-Wheat Bread

Cooking is my one claim to domesticity. Ever since I began staying home with my son, I’ve been a fan of baking bread while he naps. It’s a few minutes of effort with a big payoff—fresh, warm bread for dinner. Here’s one of my recent favorites, which mixes entirely in one bowl and produces moist,

Bon Voyage

My partner and I and a gallon of SPF 50 are off to the Olivia Grand Carribean Cruise this week. I’ve written up some posts in advance, which my software will publish automatically every day, so you’ll still find new reading here. Breaking news coverage will be in short supply, though. I also won’t be

Lesbian Soccer Mom Walking 500 Miles for Togetherness

Self-described “lesbian soccer mom” Jennifer Schumaker has begun a walk of 569 miles, from San Diego to San Francisco, to encourage dialogue among LGBT people and their families, friends and allies. “If we, as a part of the human family, can acknowledge our interconnectedness and common values,” Schumaker says, “we can work together to lift

Weekly Political Roundup

This week, we’re reminded that same-sex marriage bans are also emboldening those who would ban any legal recognition of a same-sex relationship, including domestic partnerships, civil unions, and medical coverage. The California Supreme Court refused for the second time to hear an appeal challenging the state’s domestic partner law. Opponents of the law said it

Love and Taxes

Yes, the tax deadline is upon us here in the U. S., one of the occasions when the bias against gay and lesbian couples stares me in the face most directly. How are we unequal? Let me count the ways.

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