Ontario Rules Lesbian Moms Can Both Be On Birth Record

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruled yesterday that lesbian moms using anonymous donor sperm can both be registered as parents on their child’s birth record, without the non-bio mom needing to adopt. The judge gave the Ontario government 12 months to change the law.

This may not be the last word on the matter, however. There is an appeal pending in a similar Ontario case in which the judge ruled against putting both women’s names on the birth certificate. Still, let’s celebrate the victories. Crank up the new k. d. lang album.

Three U. S. states (California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey) allow both lesbian partners to put their names on their child’s birth certificate without an adoption. The National Center for Lesbian Rights cautions, however, that a couple should still obtain a court judgment declaring both partners to be the child’s legal parents. Without this, they say, couples may have difficulties in having their parental status honored when in other states or dealing with the federal government. Best thing to do? Consult with an attorney experienced in these matters. Lambda Legal offers Some Suggested Questions to Ask a Prospective Attorney to help you along.

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