Weekly Political Roundup

FlagsThis week’s big story was, of course, the defeat of the Federal Marriage Amendment. News didn’t stop happening elsewhere, though:

  • Alabama adopted a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, with over 80% of voters supporting the ban.
  • The state of Missouri dropped its appeal of a decision that a lesbian was wrongly prevented from becoming a foster parent. The state is, however, revising its policies on foster parenting, and is dodging questions about whether these would include a ban on LGBT foster parents.
  • Westchester County, New York will recognize same-sex marriages legalized in other jurisdictions, such as Massachusetts and Canada, becoming the eighth New York region to do so. A decision is still pending in a case that would require New York City officials to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.
  • In Washington state, opponents of a new lesbian and gay anti-discrimination law failed to get enough voter signatures to force a statewide ballot on the issue this fall. The measure thus took effect on Wednesday.
  • The Boston Globe has a nice summary of where same-sex marriage cases stand in state courts.
  • While some Canadians celebrated the third anniversary of legalized same-sex marriage, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he will ask MP’s in the House of Commons to vote on whether to revisit the issue.

Mostly a good week, I’d say. Enjoy your mid-Pride weekend.

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