Norman the Mooing Puppy

A dog that moos? Norman the puppy doesn’t know why. He was just Born Different.

This great new awareness campaign from the Denver-based Gill Foundation uses a light touch to get people thinking about the nature of sexual orientation. While the ads are aimed at adults, kids old enough to understand what sexual orientation is may enjoy watching Norman, too.

I love that the campaign has also hung Norman banners in Colorado Springs, home of the ultra-conservative Focus on the Family.

Yes, there are even some gay and lesbian people who say they chose their orientation. This doesn’t mean it’s not genetic for the rest of us, though. I’ve also heard people argue that it shouldn’t matter whether sexual orientation is a choice or genetic. Either way, we deserve equal rights. I agree. Still, since much of the right-wing’s vitriol against homosexuality is based upon their assumption that it’s simply an activity that can be stopped, I think it’s worth raising the issue of genetics and sparking some discussion, as the campaign creators intended.

If you want to see more of Norman, you can watch other videos or visit the Born Different Web site.

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