New Federal Policies on School Wellness: Good, But Not Enough

SaladA new federal law that took effect July 1 requires schools to meet certain wellness guidelines in an attempt to reduce childhood obesity. Schools must provide healthier meals, fewer sweets, and more physical activity.

At the same time, as the Associated Press notes, the new rules don’t come with any consequences if schools don’t comply. Some districts, with resources already stretched trying to meet the federal No Child Left Behind academic guidelines, may find it difficult to make changes. Still, some schools seem to be moving in healthier directions, and this is a good thing.

Ultimately, though, I think good eating and exercise habits start at home, as I’ve written before. If you’re looking for kid-friendly, healthy inspiration in the kitchen, Molly Katzen (of Moosewood restaurant fame) has a new cookbook for pre-schoolers and up, Salad People And More Real Recipes.

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