Skicross Trumps Women’s Ski Jumping for 2010 Olympics

The International Olympic Committee ruled today that women’s ski jumping will not be included as a new sport in the 2010 Olympics, while skicross will. Skicross is similar to snowboardcross, another classic (!) Olympic event, but with skis instead of snowboards. Do we really need both of these?

The athletes can try again for 2014, but many older jumpers may be past their competitive peak by then.

While I would never personally throw myself off a 90-meter hill strapped to two planks, I support the right of others—male or female— to do so. (I have, however, been known to dangle off cliffs on skinny ropes, so maybe craziness is just a matter of preference.) It’s a shame the IOC felt the need to expand the newfangled sports before bringing equality to the old.

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