Queercents Launches Money Mondays Tax Tips

QueercentsThe team at the Queercents personal-finance blog has just announced the launch of a weekly tax-time series called Money Mondays:

In ten weekly articles, Allison Einbinder will help LGBT readers navigate the intricate tax world with topics ranging from hiring a tax professional to planning for retirement. The articles aim to provide guidance with clear and concise information. The tips and hints should make life less stressful this tax season.

I’m all for anything that makes life less stressful. The first two installments are Should You Hire a Tax Pro? and Choosing A Tax Professional Is No Longer a Coin Flip. Both are worth a read.

For the benefit of readers not as familiar with LGBT-finance issues, I’ll point out that even in the few states that allow same-sex couples to file joint tax returns (including Massachusetts, where same-sex marriage is legal), these couples must file federal tax forms as “single.” Personally, I think TurboTax should include a big “Gay” checkbox (or maybe a big pink button) that would automatically generate the right filings. (Or maybe a pro is the way to go. Read Queercents and decide for yourself.)

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