February 2007

Freedom to Marry Week: Wrap-Up

A compilation of my Freedom to Marry Week posts: Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four: Blog Carnival Day Five Day Six Day Seven A special thanks to Kelly at O for Obsessive who suggested the idea of posting every day this week.

Freedom to Marry Week: Day Seven

As my final post for Freedom to Marry Week, I want to share some thoughts on civil unions. Next week, New Jersey becomes the third state (after Vermont and Connecticut) to permit civil unions. Such unions come with all the rights and privileges of marriage. Is there any reason to complain? Yes—which is not to

Freedom to Marry Week: Day Six—A Sneetch in Time

To wrap up Freedom to Marry Week, I’m going to write tomorrow about my thoughts on civil unions vs. marriage. For a Friday night, however, I’ll stick with something lighter, a passage from the inimitable Dr. Seuss that I was reading to my son earlier. In his story The Sneetches, the star-bellied Sneetches think they’re

Weekly Political Roundup

Anglican leaders ruled yesterday that the American Episcopal Church could welcome gay men and lesbians into the communion, but could not install any more gay or lesbian bishops. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said he won’t sign a bill allowing same-sex marriage if the Legislature passes the measure. “The people of California have voted on that

Call for Submissions: Visible: A Femmethology

Passing along this call for essays. Thought some of my readers might want to approach this from the perspective of a lesbian mom. VISIBLE: A FEMMETHOLOGY an anthology of writing on queer femme identity Editor: Maria Angeline Publisher: Merge Press Submissions Deadline: March 15, 2007 Anticipated Publication Date: Spring 2008 Femmes are still invisible. Society

New News on Breasts

A couple of breast-related news items caught my eye this week: A study led by a Harvard Medical School researcher found that women who had spent at least two years breastfeeding were 19 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack than those who hadn’t breastfed at all. Results were independent of any of the

Freedom to Marry Week: Day Five

The third of my three key arguments for marriage equality is that it is better for our children. An estimated 4-14 million children are being raised in LGBT-headed households in the U. S. If there are two adults who wish to give a child a home, certainly it is better for both of the adults

Mombian Resource Directory Has 400th Link

I’ve just added the 400th link to the Mombian Resource Directory for LGBT Parents, and thought that was worth a minor celebration. Topics in the Directory include starting a family, raising children (both LGBT-specific sites and general, but LGBT-friendly, sites), LGBT politics and law, online and offline groups and forums for LGBT parents, and much

The L Word Season Four, Episode Six: The Parenting Perspective

Parenting as excuse, aggravation, interference, curse, and finally blessing. This episode has it all. In the opening scene, Shane tries to get out of the launch of her Hugo Boss underwear campaign by saying “Well, I don’t know if I can get a babysitter in time.” She ends up going, however, and leaving kid-brother Shay

Freedom to Marry Week Blog Carnival

It’s Carnival time! Here is a festive collection of posts on marriage equality to read while you nibble your Valentine’s Day chocolates. Personal, political, economic . . . we’ve got them all. Thanks to all of you who contributed, and to those whose posts I included just because I liked them. I’ve noted straight allies

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