LGBT Families Roll Eggs, Go Home

Family Pride Egg RollSometimes the best news is no news. The party of LGBT families attending the White House Egg Roll yesterday showed up, rolled eggs, took photos, and went home. No one protested their attendance. The Politico has an interview with Jennifer Chrisler, Executive Director of Family Pride, in which she says the lack of protest is a sign of progress.

Fellow blogger Terrance of The Republic of T, a two-time attendee, has a first-hand account on his site, and a mention in the Washington Post. (Could his son possibly be any cuter?)

Kudos to the intrepid Family Pride staffers who camped out Friday night in the bitter cold to secure entrance for their contingent, and liveblogged the experience. You can see the fruits of their efforts in the faces of the children who attended with their families, proudly wearing rainbow leis. Just another part of an American tradition.

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