May 2007

Happy Mother’s Day or Mothers’ Day

However you choose to celebrate (or not) this day, may it be a joyous one for you and your family. May we also not forget that the first proclamation of Mother’s Day in the United States, by Julia Ward Howe, was a call for peace and disarmament, urging all women to take up the cause. […]

Integrated Dichotomies

I was feeling a little butch and a little femme yesterday: Morning: Built forklift for son using wardrobe box, duct tape, and box cutter. I had promised to make him cool things out of boxes after we moved, thinking of houses and castles. He of course decided to test my skills with something more challenging.

Weekly Political Roundup

The Alabama House voted not to consider a bill that would add sexual orientation as a protected category to the state’s hate crimes law, despite urging from Patricia Todd, the state’s first out legislator. Opponents said existing legislation was sufficient. (Thanks to the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund Smartbrief.) The California Assembly passed legislation that

Who Said That?

Marriage is not an activity that goes on within the border of a state. It is a status, a marital status, and therefore, somebody who becomes married and moves to Ohio will be seen in the eyes of many as being married. A. New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, on his administration’s decision to recognize out-of-state

Morning Reading Roundup

A few recent articles about LGBT families for you to peruse: “Gay Man Reflects on Struggle to Become a Father,” by Nick Grabbe in the Amherst Bulletin, is the story of David Jean and Don Babets, “pioneers in the struggle for equal adoption rights for gay and lesbian couples” in Massachusetts. “No Such Thing as

Gay Family Foundation Seeking LGBT Parents for Study

Passing along this information about a new study of LGBT parents, sponsored by the Gay Family Foundation. Please contact Melissa Noyes, as indicated at the bottom of the announcement, for more details or to participate. Melissa is working on this research project in fulfillment of her Masters in Public Health degree from The George Washington

Lend an LGBT Voice to the Parents’-Rights Movement

Moms Rising, the organization dedicated to building a “family-friendly America” through better employment rights and benefits for parents, is promoting a bevy of activities for Mother’s Day weekend. I’ve written before about Moms Rising, and noted the similarities between the parents-rights movement and the LGBT rights movement: Parents’-rights groups are working to change the playing

Known Donor Must Pay Child Support, Court Rules

In one of the more interesting recent cases involving same-sex parents, a Pennsylvania appellate court ruled that a lesbian couple’s known sperm donor must pay child support to the bio mom. The man was active in the couple’s life, and the two children he helped conceive called him “Papa,” according to an article in the

Gadget Love: Safety Can Opener

I may be the last person in the country to discover the wonders of a safety can opener, which takes off the top of cans without leaving a sharp rim. It was always a point of pride with me that I used a simple Swing-A-Way opener. The Swing-A-Way was classic. It did the job it

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