Dottie DVD Giveaway

DottieYes, it’s the third DVD giveaway in three weeks! This time it’s Dottie’s Magic Pockets, the first live-action show for children of LGBT families (and their friends). The DVD contains two Dottie episodes, “Doing the Flower” and “Beat Beet.” (You can see a clip here.) Thanks to the folks at the Pink Pea production company for offering this to a Mombian reader.

The DVD will go to the first person who leaves a comment with the correct and complete answer to the following question. Please note rules and restrictions below.

  • In “Beat Beet,” Dottie sports a beehive hairdo. A famous rock band is named after this hairstyle. An openly lesbian member of the band owns a motel. Name the band, the lesbian member, the motel, and the creek that flows near the motel.

Rules and restrictions: U.S. and Canada residents only, please. (The DVD is in Region 1 format, and will likely not play in other countries. Postal costs also make it prohibitive to ship elsewhere.) Don’t worry if your comment is moderated; once I approve it, it will appear based on the time you submitted it. I retain the right to cancel the giveaway if there are any nasty debates about who has the correct answers. If you are or have been a paying advertiser on Mombian, you can’t play. If no one gets the right answers by 11:59 p.m. EST, January 21, 2008, I’ll post an alternate set of questions.

Make sure to leave a valid e-mail address with your comment! (Don’t leave a postal address, though. If you win, I’ll contact you by e-mail about shipping.)

3 thoughts on “Dottie DVD Giveaway”

  1. The B-52s
    Kate Pierson (Catherine Elizabeth Pierson)
    Kate’s Lazy Meadow
    Esopus Creek

    Wow… I had no idea KP had a B&B… I think I’ll put it on my list of future trip possibilities! Do you know if they allow kids? Lots of B&Bs don’t.

  2. It seems the previous poster got it right (at 6 am no less! I’m just glad the baby (and therefor I) was still sleeping at 6 am). But I was surprised to learn that there are several bands here, in Canada and the UK, someway named after beehives. Rock on fellow mombians.

  3. Jen’s got it!

    I’ll be doing another giveaway next week, and I promise I’ll post it in the evening to be fair to those of other time zones and sleeping habits!

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