NY Post Still Thinks LGBT People Are Evil

I didn’t think the New York Post could outdo its headline “Evil Lesbian Mom Left Toddler to Die Slow Death.” Today’s “Axis of She-vil: Death to Gays but Free Ops for Irani Trannies” may be the winner in reprehensible journalism, however. The article points out the oddity of the Iranian government subsidzing sex reassignment surgeries (SRS) for transgender individuals while condemning gay people. The piece had the potential to educate people in a constructive way, but lost all respectability with a headline equating the “evil” government with its support for transgender citizens. The implication is that Iran is evil because there are lots of transgender people running around with government-subsidized boob jobs.

Besides, the Iranian government’s subsidy of SRS has been in the Western news since last September. This makes the Post look not only biased, but outdated.

GLAAD has issued another media alert, and is asking people to write to the Post “and demand that it stop sensationalizing the LGBT community”:

Mr. Jesse Angelo
Managing Editor
New York Post
Direct Phone : 212-930-8274
Outlet Phone : 212-930-8000
Email: le*****@ny****.com

Quite a week for writing to the media, hmm?

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