February 2008

Want to Testify About the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?

I received an e-mail today from the the Mothers Ought to Have Equal Rights (MOTHERS) coalition. They are looking for parents in the D.C. area to testify for a Senate committee next week “on how FMLA [the Family and Medical Leave Act] has helped them or why they were unable to take FMLA.” I thought […]

Daily News Only a Bit Better than Post

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the New York Post’s unconscionable headline, “Evil Lesbian Mom Left Toddler to Die Slow Death.” Now, the New York Daily News picks up the story of the mother and her partner, with the less inflammatory headline, “Mom charged in murder of her baby didn’t know extent of

Same-Sex Grandparents and the Long Arc of History

Same-sex parents inevitably lead to . . . not just “I love my mommies” t-shirts, but same-sex grandparents. Anndee Hochman of the Philadelphia Inquirer has a great article on gay and lesbian grandparents who are out and proud, despite having started their families, in some cases, in the early days of the LGBT-rights movement. The

Babytalk Under Fire for Article by Lesbian Mom

Patty Onderko is a senior editor at Babytalk magazine. As such, you’d think an article she wrote titled “A Night in the Life of a Sleepless Mom” would be anything but controversial. The focus of the story is about how difficult is was for Onderko to sleep while pregnant. Turns out, however, that some readers

Big Gay Sketch Show Giveaway

This week’s giveaway is for the parents, not the kids. The fine folks at LOGO have offered a free DVD of The Big Gay Sketch Show, Season One, to a Mombian reader. Let’s face it: in an election year, we could all use a good laugh. Season Two of the show kicks off tomorrow, so

Snow Songs from Erin Lee and Marci

Children’s musicians Erin Lee and Marci bring us the next of their regular posts with thematic recommendations for kid-friendly music, plus activities to make the songs an interactive experience for the whole family. Look for Erin Lee and Marci here on the first Monday of each month, or visit their homepage, www.gottaplay.org. I’ve created links

Pencils in heart shape

Court Upholds Right to Teach About Same-Sex Families in Schools

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit on Thursday unanimously upheld the rejection of a suit brought by two couples from Lexington, Massachusetts, who said their school district had no right to include LGBT-related books like King & King in its elementary school curriculum. (See my August post about the case.) The parents

Weekly Political Roundup, Part II

Lots of late-breaking news today, so here are a few items that didn’t make it into my earlier roundup: Opponents of same-sex marriage in Florida managed to collect enough signatures to put a constitutional amendment banning it on the November ballot. A New York appeals court ruled that valid same-sex marriages performed in other states

Oregon Wins Domestic Partnerships

A big congratulations to the citizens of Oregon who have at long last won the right to domestic partnerships. From the Basic Rights Oregon press release: Judge Michael Mosman ruled at 4:25 PM today that opponents of domestic partnership did, indeed, fail to gather the necessary signatures to place the law on the ballot for

Weekly Political Roundup

Florida leads the news this week, as supporters of a state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage scramble to collect needed signatures. In contrast, the Fairness for All Families group has released an inspirational video about their Primary Day of Action, in which volunteers talk to voters about why the amendment is bad for both

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