Visibility and Parenthood

Closet DoorI have a piece up at in honor of National Coming Out Day this Saturday. It’s titled “Heterosexual Assumptions,” but also discusses the many complexities of being out as an LGBT parent.

I can’t crosspost it yet, but you can pop over there to have a read (and catch up on the news while you’re at it). As always, I welcome your own thoughts and stories in the comments here or there.

2 thoughts on “Visibility and Parenthood”

  1. I don’t watch a whole lot of TV, but when I do, or when I hear about any celebrity, I don’t instantly start thinking about their sex life (well, okay, maybe Lucy Liu or Angelina Jolie). If someone’s delivering the news or running for office or selling something, I don’t decide to watch them, vote for them, or buy heir product simply because they’re straight, gay, hot, not, or whatever.

    Garrison Keillor comes to mind — I love his voice and he could probably read the foreign exchange rates and I’d enjoy listening. Dave Morey, a local DJ here, is the same. The fact that he’s gay has no bearing on it.

    So the fact that Rachel Maddow happens to be a lesbian probably wouldn’t register with me either. If someone mentioned it, I’d probably go “Hmm”, pause for a moment for that straight-guy-lesbian-fantasy thing (Sorry! I can’t help it!) and then forget it.

    The thing is, it shouldn’t matter. (I know it does, just as racism is not gone nor anti-semitism, but I think if we can keep meeting the “He’s Gay!” type comments with “So?”, our kids, at least, may pick up on it not being a big deal.)

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