Bloggers Against Props 8, 2, and 102

As Election Day nears, bloggers are ramping up their efforts to raise money and awareness for the three state ballot measures that would make it unconstitutional for same-sex couples to marry. California’s measure, Proposition 8, is arguably the most important, since it would take away a right already held by citizens of the state, but we should not forget about the similar measures in Arizona and Florida.

I’ve tried to do my own small part by writing about the issues and linking to sites where people can donate and take action. I’ve put up free BlogAds in the sidebar over to the right.

Elsewhere, Polly of Lesbian Dad has set up her own fundraising page through the No on 8, Equality for All partnership and raised over $7,000 so far, which I believe makes it the lead individual page that is part of that effort. She has a goal of reaching $10,000, and I’m betting she can make it—with a little help from her friends.

In the spirit of fairness, however, here’s the full list of people who have set up fundraising pages through that partnership. If you see a friend, family member, or neighbor, you might want to contribute through them.

Finally, a group of eight lesbian bloggers has launched the 8 Against 8 campaign in partnership with Equality California. They hope to raise $8,000 in eight days. I’m sure they can do it; the group includes high-traffic blogs Dorothy Surrenders, Grace The Spot, Hahn At Home, The Lesbian Lifestyle, Lesbiatopia, Pam’s House Blend , Sugarbutch Chronicles, and This Girl Called Automatic Win.

However you choose to donate, and to whichever state, it’s all going to a good cause. I know times are tough right now, financially, but wouldn’t you rather give up one meal out rather than sit around depressed on November 5 knowing there was more you could have done?

2 thoughts on “Bloggers Against Props 8, 2, and 102”

  1. I can’t thank you enough, Dana. (And can’t agree with your little Tweet up there, about feeling slightly sick about the video you posted. Though glad to know it’s out there, too.)

    This has been a phenomenally exhausting, long battle. Being in the eye of the storm, bombarded with the hate rhetoric — all of which, ironically, depicts us as corroding some the very things I hold most precious, namely children’s well-being — has taken a very big toll on a lot of us. Periodically, I become despondent.

    And then, I drag myself up and rummage around and find the capacity to see all the loving support from all around.


    Conversely, if most people sat back & figured someone else would step up, then we’ll for sure lose.

    Sure, in another decade maybe we’d be back here again, and winning. But what motivates me to work as hard as I can is the thought that my kids MIGHT NOT REMEMBER A TIME WHEN WE WERE LEGALLY WRONG. That is, if I work my @ss off.

    Date night $$? To No on 8! We can watch MSNBC video of Rachel Maddow on the computer screen for entertainment!

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