Video Update

No vlog this week, I’m afraid. Helen’s business trip to Japan got extended, and I thought that one solo vlog in a row from me was enough. (I’m also fighting some bronchial malady that causes me to have coughing fits at random intervals, which would be really unpleasant on camera.)

Instead, I’ll offer you this clip from No On Prop 8. It’s a great take-off of the “Mac vs. PC” ads.

If you want more serious fare, here’s the California Superintendent of Schools explaining why Prop 8 will not require schools to teach about same-sex marriage. (It might, however, result in a stream of little Janes and Johnnies bringing in photos of themselves at their moms’ or dads’ weddings. How’s the Right going to stop that? Hint: Enacting Prop 8 won’t do it. Couples will still have ceremonies or fly elsewhere to do it legally. Then their kids would come back not only with photos but also with cool souvenirs. I have to think that arriving in a California classroom with a Red Sox hat on would be highly disruptive. Tolerance only goes so far.)

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