Doodle 4 Google

doodle_logoThe folks at the big G are holding a “Doodle 4 Google” competition, and want K-12 students to play around with the Google homepage logo to see what new designs they come up with. The competition is open to all students in U.S. schools from kindergarten to grade 12 (including private schools and all homeschoolers).

This year, the theme is “What I Wish for the World.” Google says:

These are exciting times and both our country and the world are on the brink of significant change. At Google we believe in thinking big, and dreaming big, and we can’t think of anything more important than encouraging students to do the same.

Seems like a few of our kids might have ideas about that topic (Even Julianne Moore says LGBT families have a history of activism.)

You have to be a teacher (including homeschooling parents) or school employee to register, so pass the info along as you see fit. If your school has a gay-straight alliance, perhaps the faculty advisor might be interested (though there are plenty of worthy ideas outside the LGBT arena as well).

Full rules and details at the “Doodle 4 Google” site.

Registration closes at 11:59:59 PM Pacific time on March 17, 2009 and entries are due by 11:59:59 PM Pacific time on March 31, 2009.

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