What did you find most difficult about the path to parenthood? Feel free to elaborate in the comments. (I realize this poll doesn’t really capture the experiences of those who began their families while in opposite-sex relationships; I would like to explore that in a future poll. I’ve been doing these polls rather sporadically, but am hoping to make them a more regular feature.)
3 thoughts on “What Was the Hardest Part About Starting Your Family?”
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I always wonder if my wife is answering these too, which is likely to skew the results.
We had a firm idea of where we wanted to be financially before starting a family, and getting there took the longest in the whole process. Of course, the second time around, staying pregnant has turned into the big issue.
Well, it’s a little bit different here as LGBTQ couples are actively recruited by our local CAS and we were a child specific match. It was actually the process of adoption – from being matched to transitioning the kids home – that was an emotional roller coaster.
Two men here who did a surrogacy and of course coming up with all the money was the hardest part.
Not the hardest emotionally, but the hardest obstacle.