March 2009

Book Recommendations: Shape; The Coloring Book

Here’s my third book-recommendation post in honor of the Share a Story – Shape a Future Blog Tour for Literacy. (Here are the first and second.) Today’s books take an artistic turn. Both are from Abrams Books for Young Readers, and published in conjunction with Britain’s Tate Museum. David Goodman and Zoe Miller’s Shape has […]

Are You a Subaru Lezzie or a Truck-Driving Dyke?

LGBT car-shopper site is conducting a major survey of LGBT auto owners. Publisher Joe LaMuraglia told me they’re looking for more women to participate, however: “We want to make sure that the Lesbian voice is counted. We’ll be presenting this data to all the major car companies and they are really interested. We need

Book Recommendations: All In a Day; City I Love

Here’s my second book-recommendation post in honor of the Share a Story – Shape a Future Blog Tour for Literacy. (The first is here; if you count my mention of the Harvey Milk book yesterday, then this is really the third book post this week.) I’m going to highlight two new picture books today, both

More Problems with U.S. Census and Same-Sex Families

Thanks to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), same-sex couples who live together will be defined as “unmarried partners” in the 2010 U.S. Census. Their children will be counted as belonging to single parents, even if the couples are legally wed in a state that permits them to do so. If the partners list themselves

Milk: Good for the Whole Family

Milk, starring Sean Penn in his Academy Award-winning role, is now available on DVD and on demand. If you haven’t seen it yet, do make an effort. It’s well worth it, and raises some spooky parallels between what happened with the gay rights movement in the 1970’s and what’s happening today. It’s not a perfect

Family Voices International: IV

Here is the fourth interview in this phase of the Family Voices series. This time around, I am teaming up with Julieta of Ju, An y el Perro Activista to extend the series to include non-U.S. LGBT families. Julieta has also done Spanish translations of all the interviews, which you will find after the English

Book Recommendation: Panorama

As promised, I’m going to be doing a bunch of book recommendations this week to help promote the Share a Story – Shape a Future Blog Tour for Literacy. Thanks to Green Dads for alerting me to the event. As it happens, the fine publicity department at Abrams Books for Young Readers sent me a

Iron Chef Cat Cora Has a Bun in the Oven

Iron chef and lesbian mom Cat Cora is four-and-a-half months pregnant! She and her partner Jennifer already have two sons and Jennifer is also pregnant and due in April. The couple isn’t wasting any time expanding their family. (Cora is 41, which may explain the rush.) PR Newswire gives us the details: The Cora’s [sic]

The Connecticut Catholic Conference’s Misplaced Advocacy

Saturday’s Hartford Courant reports: Concerned that the state’s new same-sex marriage law would infringe on religious liberties, the Connecticut Catholic Conference today proposed some broad exemptions which it believes are necessary to protect those rights. The law does not require Catholic priests—or any other clergy member—to preside over same-sex weddings. However, the church is seeking

The L Word: Last Words or Launch Pad?

Tonight on Showtime’s pre-game show before the grand finale of The L Word, actor Laurel Holloman (“Tina Kennard”) said she would tell her children, “It will be a different world for them, and this [show] will be a little piece of that change.” “Groundbreaking” is perhaps the most overused word associated with media coverage of

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